Health and Wellbeing – May 2020

The May Scotlandhour will take place on Wednesday 27th May 9pm to 10pm.

As we move out of lockdown into a different and new phase, we thought we should take the opportunity to look at health and wellbeing.  Looking back at the last ten weeks but also as we move forward and can hopefully move with slow steps to getting out and about again in our beautiful country.

We know many of you have been contributing to VisitScotland’s window on Scotland campaign, so we want to celebrate those beautiful photos.  But equally we want to look forward to when we can travel again and what parts of the country we have missed and maybe ones that you are now inspired to visit.  Plus, our fantastic suppliers who have worked hard over this period to ensure we have the best of local produce.

It has been a tough ten weeks but the #ScotlandHour community have continued to support and inspire.  Let us do so again on Wednesday please join us.  Our questions are listed here, just remember to include #ScotlandHour in your replies so everyone can join in and share them!

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go: they merely determine where and when you start.” Nido Qubein

Thanks and keep safe everyone,


Q1. Are there any local Scottish products that are helping with your health and wellness while you stay home? #Scotlandhour

Q2. What positive / healthy changes have you made during lockdown and how has this helped support or help you enjoy what Scotland has to offer? #Scotlandhour

Q3. Walking is great for assisting with our mental health have you found new walking routes locally during lockdown #Scotlandhour

Q4. A treat to look forward to is a great thing to have, what treat are you looking forward to indulging in? #Scotlandhour

Q5. Share pictures of what makes you smile / lifts the mood whilst we are being challenged? #Scotlandhour

Q6. Share photos of the places in Scotland you have missed and will return to when it is safe #Scotlandhour