This month we are talking all about our lovely Scottish islands as the weather gets better, the days get longer and we start to dream a little bit more.
Hopefully you’ve been able to enjoy some time on at least one Scottish island and are as big a fan of them as we are.
There are so many islands in Scotland and it wasn’t until reading up on this that we realised how many there actually were. 790. Yes, 790 ( we checked but didn’t count them all ourselves ). Be they big, or small, or really tiny, they all have something to offer and we want to learn all about them from you. They are split into four categories namely Shetland, Orkney, the Inner Hebrides and the Outer Hebrides.
Money may not buy you happiness but it can buy you a Scottish island, which is pretty much the same thing is it not? We saw that one has gone on sale for £150,000 ( offers over you understand ). It looks nice and is in a lovely part of the country, so remember us when you get the deal done please!
Our guest hosts this month are @IslayandJura and @VisitSmallIsles who are real experts on this matter so have a look at the questions below and join us on Wednesday 26th 9-10pm. Thanks are also due to Lynsey @honeyp2 and Kerry @kerrydexter for your suggestions.
As always, include #Scotlandhour in all your tweets and A1 for answer 1 etc.
Wednesday 26th April 9-10pm on the theme of Scottish Islands
Q1 What gets you going back / inspires you to go? #Scotlandhour
Q2 Where do you stay when visiting the islands and what attracts you there? #Scotlandhour
Q3 Tell us about the local food and drink that you enjoy – maybe without even going there? #Scotlandhour
Q4 Music Round – who is your favourite musician or song from the islands? Or what music festivals are there on the Islands? #Scotlandhour
Q5 Tell us about the hidden gems that there on the islands? #Scotlandhour
Q6 Share with us your pictures from the islands? #Scotlandhour
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 26th April, 9-10pm